Jay Michael Snow, MD

Gastric Sleeve

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Gastric Sleeve

The Gastric Sleeve, also called the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), is a safe and effective weight loss surgery. In a sleeve gastrectomy, the size of the patient’s stomach is reduced, leading to a restricted calorie intake, while changes in metabolic hormones lead to easier and faster weight loss.
At St. Louis Bariatrics, our experienced bariatric surgeon Dr. Snow uses the laparoscopic technique to perform the procedure. By using small incisions and a high definition camera to guide instruments, laparoscopic surgery can result in less postoperative pain and a quicker recovery time for patients.

How Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Work?

Gastric sleeve is generally an outpatient procedure performed with general anesthesia. During surgery, a portion of the stomach is removed and the now-smaller remaining stomach maintains the shape of a sleeve. At the conclusion of the procedure, the sleeve is carefully inspected to assure a technically perfect staple line has been created.VSG surgery is effective for weight loss because the portion of the stomach that is removed houses the cells of the human body that create a hormone, called ghrelin, that is responsible for making the patient feel hungry.1 When this source of hunger hormones is removed from the body, patients feel less hungry. Additionally, patients with a smaller stomach feel full with less food. The decrease in calorie intake due to the smaller size of the stomach, along with reduced hunger hormones leads to significant weight loss.

What Are the Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

  • Studies show that up to 75% of Gastric Sleeve patients see significant improvement in Type 2 diabetes, with more than 60% experiencing a complete, long-term remission of the disease.2
  • Many Gastric Sleeve patients see improvement in obesity related health conditions such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, heart disease, and hypertension that are significant enough to allow the patient to reduce or stop many medications.
  • This particular procedure does not involve placing any devices in the body, or rerouting the intestines.
  • Since digestion is not affected, post procedure vitamin deficiencies are minimized.
  • Patients report feeling more confident, more active, and happier after their sleeve procedure.

What Kind of Results Can I Expect After Gastric Sleeve?

The average Gastric Sleeve Patient loses up to 70% of their excess weight.3 Keep in mind that each patient is unique and many things will factor into your results. One of the most important factors will be your commitment to a new lifestyle that involves healthy eating habits and regular activity.

Recovery After Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Surgery is performed laparoscopically, which allows for a less invasive procedure and a shorter recovery time. Most patients are able to resume regular activities after one week. After your procedure, you will be scheduled for follow-up appointments at St. Louis Bariatrics and we will be available to answer any questions and provide support and advice for your new healthy lifestyle.

Wondering if the Gastric Sleeve is Right for You?

If you are overweight and it is affecting your health, then the Gastric Sleeve may be your best option. In an initial consultation, Dr. Snow will help you decide if this procedure is right for you.

Plan Your Gastric Sleeve Procedure

  • Covered by Insurance: Yes
  • Financing Available: Yes
  • Average Self-Pay Cost*: $11,111
  • Minimally Invasive: Yes
  • Non-Surgical: No
  • Average Procedure Time: 1 hour
  • Typical Hospital Stay: 1 night
  • Typical Recovery Time: 5 to 7 days

*Prices are subject to change.

$11,111 Special Self-Pay Pricing

The most valuable gift you can give to yourself and your loved ones is good health, and we are committed to helping people reach their weight loss goals in order to live longer, happier lives. St. Louis Bariatrics has special self-pay pricing for Gastric Sleeve Procedures that is available for patients who don’t have insurance coverage for weight loss surgery, as well as patients who would prefer to self-pay to avoid the obstacles and waiting periods frequently associated with insurance.

Our special self-pay price of $11,111 for sleeve gastrectomy includes*:

  • Facility Center Fee
  • Surgeon Fee
  • Surgical Assistant Fee
  • Anesthesiologist Fee
  • Post-operative Follow Up Appointments with Dr. Snow
  • Post-operative Follow Up with Licensed Dietitian
  • FMLA Paperwork Completion
  • Short Term Disability Paperwork Completion

In addition to the many health benefits of weight loss, patients who undergo weight loss surgery are often able to reduce their lifelong medical and healthcare costs. Don’t let insurance complications prevent you from a healthier life. Visit our payment options page to learn about financing options and potential tax incentives for weight loss procedures. Contact us today for more information or to schedule a consultation.

*Additional minor fees may apply depending upon medical history and needs.




The Gastric Sleeve, also called the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), is a safe and effective weight loss surgery. In a sleeve gastrectomy, the size of the patient’s stomach is reduced, leading to a restricted calorie intake, while changes in metabolic hormones lead to easier and faster weight loss.

At St. Louis Bariatrics, our experienced bariatric surgeon Dr. Snow uses the laparoscopic technique to perform the procedure. By using small incisions and a high definition camera to guide instruments, laparoscopic surgery can result in less postoperative pain and a quicker recovery time for patients.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Sleeve

How do I know which bariatric surgery is right for me?

At St. Louis Bariatrics, we take the time to evaluate each patient, including their health, medical history, and their goals. Dr. Snow is highly experienced in a full range of bariatric surgery procedures, including gastric bypass and gastric banding (Lap-Band®), as well as non-surgical options, so you can rest assured he will recommend the procedure that is best for you.

Who is a good candidate for gastric sleeve surgery?

Typically, ideal candidates for gastric sleeve surgery have a Body mass index (BMI) over 40 or a BMI over 30, along with weight-related health conditions. Check your BMI and learn more about who is a candidate for bariatric surgery on our Am I a Candidate page.

Will health insurance cover gastric sleeve surgery?

Yes, many insurance companies do offer coverage for gastric sleeve surgery. However, it can be tricky to figure out the coverage rules of every individual insurance plan. Use our free insurance check to have our expert insurance navigators check your benefits for you.

If you don’t have insurance coverage for bariatric surgery, you can learn more about affordable self-pay options.

What are the risks of gastric sleeve surgery?

Any surgical procedure carries some risk of side effects or complications, but gastric sleeve surgery is generally safe when performed by an experienced and board-certified surgeon. Common side effects include heartburn and acid reflux, which are easily treated.

What kind of food will I eat after gastric sleeve?

Patients often worry about what their diet will be like after surgery, but rest assured that we will be there to guide you through all the lifestyle changes after surgery! Our dietitian will give you resources so you know the right types and amounts of food to eat, including the first few weeks after surgery when you will need to eat soft foods and pureed foods. We can also advise you on multivitamins and supplements to make sure you get all the nutrients you need to feel healthy.

Where Do I Go From Here?

Dr. Jay Snow takes pride in helping patients get a second chance at health and happiness. In an initial consultation, he will review your medical history, listen to your concerns, explain your options and help you take the next steps to a healthier you. Join Us for a FREE Seminar or contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Snow today!

1 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy. Available: https://asmbs.org/patients/bariatric-surgery-procedures#sleeve. Accessed July 16, 2022
2 Tsilingiris D, Koliaki C, Kokkinos A. Remission of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus after Bariatric Surgery: Fact or Fiction? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Aug 30;16(17):3171. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16173171. PMID: 31480306; PMCID: PMC6747427.
3 Hoyuela C. Five-year outcomes of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy as a primary procedure for morbid obesity: A prospective study. World J Gastrointest Surg. 2017;9(4):109-117. doi:10.4240/wjgs.v9.i4.109

Dr. Jay Snow has either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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